Blogger xml sitemap for search engine 2022


 XML sitemap is for the webmaster or search console tool includes the complete website. The search console collects data from all sitemaps and displays results according to the user’s query. The sitemaps are more critical when there is weak internal linking of blog posts. It helps the search engine find the deep content and index for search results.

Sitemap for blogger custom domain

You can access these sitemaps by adding sitemap.xml and all pages sitemap by adding sitemap-pages.xml.

For a custom domain Blogger blog, the sitemaps will be:

Suppose the blog URL is , then the sitemap address will be    (for all Blogger blog posts).

And    (for all Blogger Pages).

You’ve to replace with your blog address. 

It is essential to submit the website’s sitemap to the search console to improve search results and analyze the SEO. With the help of webmaster tools, you can keep an eye on ranking keywords and improve their rank.

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